Monday, January 5, 2009

MUTE MONDAY: W is for...

And now for the best piece Waterford ever made...


Karen said...

Wow there are some gorgeous pieces here Bear, just beautiful. I have to agree with you, that little bear is lovely and would look perfect in my collection.

Happy Mute Monday. I always enjoy your pics.

h said...

Oh yeah, the last is definately their finest creation. But they're all nice.

happy Mute Monday!

fishy said...

Happy MM Bear. What a fun posting. I've long admired the Waterford company both for their creativity and their unsurpassed quality.. maybe also their corporate longevity!
I do think the Waterford Bear is a show stopper but the Fedora was impressive as was the Pegasus....but did you really mean to overlook the FISH?????? I'm up at the Pond, nothing nearly so pretty there.

Janna said...

All it takes is one three-year-old running around, and most of these items will break into sharp little pieces of dust within minutes.

sparringK9 said...

grrrrrrherhahahaha great punch line. i had one piece of waterford and managed to break it. doh!!

happy mm!

Aunty Belle said...

WOW! I'll take one of each, thanky!

The globe and the bear are mah favorites, oh, an' the hat,,,wait, the ship....

Happy M!

Bear said...

I have a couple of very delicate antique crystal glasses from my grandmother... hang on... I might have a couple of very delicate antique crystal glasses from my grandmother. :(

Oh Troll... I bet you say that to all the guys.

Remind me to tell you one day, about the Waterford that got away.

Forever the optimist hey Janna?

According to Janna you may have been three years old at the time.

Aunty Belle:
Come on and admit it Aunty... the bear's your favourite, right?

Happy MM to you all.

Anonymous said...

The bear is certainly my favourite though nowhere near as adorable as the real thing ;)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww. And yes, it truly is.

Happy Mute Monday Bear.

Big Shamu said...

My mother is a HUGE Waterford crystal fan. Luckily, she's the only one to ever chip them we she's let us use them for special occasions.
Please don't let her see this post!
Happy Mute Monday.

Vixen said...

Very cool :)


moi said...

I love finely crafted objects of all kinds and crystal doesn't get better than Waterford! Happy, happy!

Pam said...

Gorgeous Waterford crystal. Got to visit their gift shop one time ... the factory was closed for Christmas ... ***DIVINE***

Bunny said...

Gorgeous Waterford!!!!

But I think my Waterford bunnies are the cutest Waterfords ever made . . .

I LOVE the spider vase - hadn't seen that one before. My Waterford pen holder always had a prominent place on my desk, when I was still practicing law. It's gorgeous. I'll have to go look through my boxes now and find it.

Happy MM!

h said...

Did you post this because you knew Waterford was declaring the Irish equivalent of bankruptcy today?

Bear said...

Thank you my darling... I'm sure you've been done in crystal, Butch, but I seriously doubt if your living beauty could ever be captured in a static medium.

Warm marble would be too cold, clear crystal too empty, solid wood too hollow, bronze too dull, a photo too glossy and paint and pencil too few dimensions.

Your beauty, your soul and your essence could never be truly depicted in anything but your own presence.

Bear said...

Awwww... thank you.

Big Shamu:
I doubt if your mother would find this post, but I'm sure she'd find a chip on the crystal if you happened to cause one.

Thank you dear Vixen.

I agree with you, Moi.

According to Troll, you better hurry if you want to visit the gift shop at Waterford Crystal.

Bears and Bunnies in crystal, lovely on the mantelpiece.

I had no inside information... honest... just because I sold all my shares before Christmas and bought up big on crystal during the Boxing Day sales is a sheer coincidence.

Thank you all and happy MM.

groovyoldlady said...

Glad you clued us in at the end 'cause I couldn't figure out if W was for Glass or for Crystal.