Monday, March 23, 2009



groovyoldlady said...

Hah! I didn't get it AT ALL until I saw your blurb at the end...Very clever!

h said...

Visually stunning. I suspected there'd be an explanation of what they had in common, but was still surprised. Well done.

Happy Mute Monday

Jenny said...

EXCELLENT! I was a bit confuzzled until the very end. Then I went back to look again - wonderful talent. Thanks for sharing these and Happy MM!

The Java Junkie said...

Amazing and unique! Your MM posts are always my favorite!

Anonymous said...

THAT is awesome! Happy Mute Monday. (and very, very glad you explained it)

Bear said...

Thank you guys... I normally respond to each comment, but being away on business meant that I had limited time and access, but I did try to get around to you all.
