Monday, March 16, 2009

MUTE MONDAY: (my own private...) HELL


Buzz Kill said...

This is an intersting topic this week. Everyone's own little version of hell.

Happy MM. I'm up.

sparringK9 said...

my goodness. im kind of liking that outfit in the last photo. (on him, of course) grrerhahaha happy MM!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm. Not a surprise - that is pretty hellish. ;-)

Happy Mute Monday.

Jenny said...

Really? Hate on buttons? :-)

Very clever. Happy MM!

fishy said...

I think I missed something?

h said...

You have a unique brain. You can't be button-holed. Happy Mute Monday!

Vixen said...

Very interesting, lol! HappyMonday!

The Java Junkie said...

I love your MM's - a fascinating little window into the mind of the bear!

Joanna Cake said...

Ive always loved the Pearly Kings and Queens... but I guess it is Hell if you have to stitch them on. I can remember Gypsy talking about her nights with sequins for dancing costumes :) Happy MM x

Unknown said...

Ugh! My boys had to do a school project that involved popsickle sticks. NEVER again! >.<'

Happy MM!

Pam said...

Crafts are your hell? I can kinda agree with that one! Happy MM.

moi said...

I can grok to the popsicle sticks. I have some kind of weird tactile aversion to them; if I touch one, my teeth shudder like when someone rakes their fingers on a chalkboard. But for some reason, I think you have another reason for including them here?

Kymical Reactions said...

hummm - It’s fun to look at, but it would definitely be hell to assemble!
Happy MM

h said...

Troll Poll UP that Aussies can participate in!

groovyoldlady said...

Oh... You would have enjoyed "The Burning of Fort Groovy".

Did you see that on my blog, weeks ago?

The Fort was made of umpteen million popcycle sticks and toothpicks...and the girls burning it had buttons.