Monday, November 24, 2008


...I don't like Mondays... they make me very sad.


Janna said...

Me too.

Karen said...

I don't think many people like Mondays and I must admit they're not my favourite day of the week either. Sorry they make you sad :(

Aunty Belle said...

Awww....sigh...pretend it is Wednesday! Perk up wee li'l Bear...tomorrow id NOT monday!

Anonymous said...

I try to think of Mondays as a way to make a clean start. A fresh new week for me to botch up or make everything better for forever. Most of my experience is with the former, but while I breathe I hope. (That's my state's motto and somebody ought to be using it.)

Since it's probably Tuesday where you are, I hope that you're all perked up and no longer sad. If you can keep sad done to one day per week, you'll make it.

Hang in there, Bear.

groovyoldlady said...

Gee, I LIKE Mondays. But then again, I am rather odd. So, now I have to decide, do I commiserate with you and give you a hug, or tell you a joke and cheer you up?

I'll do both:


Why do mama kangaroos hate rainy days (and perhaps even Mondays)?

C'mon...take a guess!

Did you guess yet?


It's a very Australian joke...

Because, you know, it has kangaroos in it and all...

Have you guessed?

Do you know?

Are you smiling?

'Cause here it comes...

Because then the kids have to play inside!!


h said...

I've got a Troll Poll up that Aussies can take part in.

Gnomeself Be True said...

The roundabout road sign is priceless.

happy mm