Monday, May 25, 2009



Buzz Kill said...

I never would have come up with that theme. I hope it's because you're a good dancer. I'll wish you a have memorial day even though I don't think you celebrate it down under - at least maybe not this weekend.

So Happy MM!

Aunty Belle said...

YOu are very cleveah Bear!! Wow--solid performance!!
Happy MM!

h said...

Really original take. I danced once. Happy Mute Monday!

fishy said...

Consistency extraordinaire!
You must have really searched for this assembly of images. Not sure a Fishy gets the concept behind
"trip the light fantastic"
but I agree with BK .... pretty fun dance music.

moi said...

In my next life I won't have two left feet. Happy Mute Monday, Bear!

Butch said...

You've outdone yourself my sweet Bear. Fantastically trippy pics :)

Kymical Reactions said...

Wow, very cool. I considered doing albums or songs with the word trip, but this is far better than anything I thought of.

Happy MM!

Jenny said...

Nice. You are always very clever.

Happy MM.

Joanna Cake said...

Wow, there are so many fabulous takes this week! Brilliant stuff, Bear. Happy MM x

Nan-Nan said...

Hey Bear, did you know that when anesthesiologists give Fentanyl (an opioid medication 81 times more potent than Morphine) they call it "Tripping to Light Fantastic"? Had it once just prior to onset of surgery.....they are right. Loved your post, showed lots of thought and research to find the pics. Happy MM.

Bear said...

Well let me put it this way Buzz... as a singer I make a fantastic dancer.

We have Remembrance Day, 11th Nov, but it's not a holiday for us. As a nation we observe a minute's silence at 11am on that day. We also have ANZAC Day which is quite different, yet very similar and is a holiday if it falls on a week day.

Thank you Aunty.

Ha... next you'll be telling us that you smiled once.

This was the third one that I assembled. Every time I finished I wondered if someone else did the same or similar, so I'd start over.
As it turned out, the one that surprised me by its absence was one on people tripping over... there are some great sculptures of people tripping.

And the end of dancing round in circles hey?

Thank you my darling.

Yes, but unfortunately there's not a lot of albums to find.

Thanks, Boxer, I take that as high praise coming from you.

Thank you, Cake, and some real surprises this week too.

Boy are you a wealth of information... I bet you kill them at trivia nights. Thanks for your kind words.

Thank you all for your kind comments, and I hope you had a good Memorial Day.

Happy MM.

Ree said...

What a wonderful take on the theme! Uptown, downtown, all around the town - was one of the first songs I learned to play on the little organ we had!

Happy MM!

Ree said...

I meant Eastside, Westside. Somehow, it didn't sound right, but I couldn't make it click. ;-b

Bear said...

Thank you, Ree... it seems that you're far better with a camera than you are with your memory.

Happy MM.

Vixen said...

Interesting pics! Very clever :)


AL (the inventor) GORE said...

I invented dancing.