Friday, September 18, 2009

Rainbow Connection...

A few posts ago, I did this post that
that referred to rainbows and my loving
partner, Butch.

It seems that she and
rainbows go well together.

There's another rainbow connection with Butch,
and it's to do with the way we communicate.

Butch and I email each other at least five times
each, per day... every day. And we have developed
a method of replying to each other's reply, that
saves us from writing a fresh email every time.
What we do is simply insert our responses at the
appropriate point in the email, in a different font
colour, so that it's easier to decipher the replies
from the replies to the replies... if you follow my
drift... and thereby we create a rather colourful

I have included an example below. I've added a
matching the font, so that you can
see what I'm driving
at, without seeing what
Butch and I were actually saying.

Rainbow Communication
The use of colourful language
when writing to a loved one

As you can see above, we engage in a lot
of strong, bold colourful language when we 'talk'.

This video seemed appropriate...



groovyoldlady said...

I love your colorful interpretation!

h said...

Hey Buddy, long time no see.


I thought you quit blogging.

Bear said...

The good thing is that even when Butch and I are at odds with each other over something, we still make beautiful rainbows.

Hey buddy, thanks for dropping in.

Yes I have been preoccupied of late, and the first thing to suffer(?) is my blog.

I do, however, keep up with you and a few of the others via my reader.

Gel said...

Yes, I've done that for years with friends. It's wonderful, isn't it?
(Before there was colored font we used a symbol in the left hand margin like ## and the other person used a different symbol so that the email flowed like conversation.) Ilike the colors better. Wonderful to see others use it, too!