My time and senses...
To be a moment with you, of heaven sent
My senses from me can be willingly rent
I’d give years off my life to be with you right now
And the rest I would throw for one kiss of your brow
As the years and my senses are taken away
And my life be shortened to just a mere day
I would give it all gladly in a single breath
For a moment with you before my own death
I love you.
So beautiful honey....
'Till Death Us Do Part', sweetheart.
If someone wrote a poem like that for me I would be over the moon. Awwwww.
(Groovy blushes.)
Gee, Bear, I'm touched!
Huh? What? (Groovy blushes again) You're kidding!
You mean that poem wasn't for ME?
I would like to tell you 'bout Selma
‘cept that word don't rhyme very well ma
So instead of a rhyme
Which takes too much time
I've decided to write a poem
I have but a very few friends
Of whom would stay till the ends
Selma, my dear, I'm glad to say
Instead of going decided to stay
In this blog that I call my home
I like your continuing presence
as we greet with heartfelt pleasence
When I visit your site
I read with delight
And look forward to reading your tome
So thank you for sticking with me
And filling my heart with glee
We'll always remain in touch
For you, I appreciate much
Wherever I decide to roam
There is a young lady so funny
And thankfully no Playboy Bunny
I realise the rhyme should be honey
But for this I’m paid no money
She’s known as a lady of groove
Oft knows not how to behoove
Inappropriate laughter doth move
We around her with hearts full of loove
She pops up from somewhere down south
Rarely closing that wonderful mouth
She’d have another rhyme for outh
Whilst working for Him in His houth
I love this lady so groovy
Her story would make a good movie
In comments she always will move me
This sweet old lady groovy
I'll now end this ridiculous rhyme
To tell you of someone sublime
With whom I am blessed for all time
That Groovy old friend of mine
*Despite what it looks like above, I love you guys*
Few can compare
To little tubby Bear
He is a friend so true
He is the best
He is always full of zest
Without him, I don't know what I'd do.
Thank you, Bear for your words
Better than a bowl of whey and curds
Better even than choc
Or a delicious ice block
Because they play an important part
Those words come from the heart.
Love you too XXX
Hahahahahaha! I have never been so honored!
And as soon as I figure out what you said, I'll come up with a crushing reply!
Just kidding...
Tubby Bear
Whether he's angry or bearish
or seems not to careish
We all know inside
He's more loving than snide
He's funny and creative
and a true Aussie native
with a flair for images
that he finds online at whim-ages
His words to Butch are mushy
His fur is somewhat bushy
His MB stories shine
His writing is sublime
(Well, maybe not sublime exactly, but pretty darned good. But then, I guess that's understood.)
He's my internutty friend
Many messages we send
and some are poetry
And then there's the other stuff.
(OK. I think that's enough!)
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